

1-Readability: Choose fonts that are legible and easy to read, both in terms of typeface and font size. Consider the target audience and the medium through which the text will be displayed.

2-Hierarchy: Establish a clear typographic hierarchy by varying font sizes, weights, and styles to indicate the importance and structure of content elements.

3-Alignment: Pay attention to text alignment, ensuring it is consistent and visually pleasing. Left-aligned text is typically easier to read, especially in Western cultures.

4-Spacing: Use appropriate line spacing (leading), letter spacing (tracking/kerning), and word spacing to enhance readability and prevent text from appearing cramped or too loose.

5-Contrast: Create contrast between headings and body text to distinguish different levels of content. Contrast can be achieved through font choices, sizes, colors, or a combination of these.

6-Font Pairing: Select fonts that complement each other and create visual harmony. Pair a distinctive heading font with a more readable body font for a balanced typographic composition